A Zero-Shot Learning Approach for Ephemeral Gully Detection from Remote Sensing using Vision Language Models
Tousi, Seyed Mohamad Ali and Farag, Ramy and Demby's, Jacket and Omotara, Gbenga and Lory, John A and DeSouza, GN
EfficientNet-SAM: A Novel EffecientNet with Spatial Attention Mechanism for COVID-19 Detection in Pulmonary CT Scans
Ramy Farag, Parth C. Upadhay, Jacket Demby’s, Yixiang Gao, Katherin Garces Montoya, Seyed Mohamad Ali Tousi, Gbenga Omotara, and Guilherme DeSouza
Inverse Kinematics of Robotic Manipulators Using a New Learning-by-Example Method
Jacket Demby's, Ramy Farag, and Guilherme N. DeSouza
Voice sEMG classification of sentences for vocal fatigue detection using GA-SVM for confounder
Yixiang Gao, Guilherme N. DeSouza, Mark Berardi, and Maria Dietrich
XMNet: XGBoost with Multitasking Network for Classification and Segmentation of Ultra-Fine-Grained Datasets
Ramy Farag, Jacket Demby’s, Muhammad Arifuzzaman, and Guilherme N. DeSouza
Sequential Transfer with Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection of Small, High-Dimensional Datasets
Parth C. Upadhyay, Guilherme N. DeSouza, and John A. Lory
Outlier Interpretation Using Regularized Auto Encoders and Genetic Algorithm
Seyed Mohamad Ali Tousi; Guilherme N. DeSouza
Covid-19 Detection from CT Scans Using EfficientNet and Attention Mechanism
Ramy Farag, Parth C. Upadhyay, Yixiang Gao, Jacket Demby's, Katherin Garces Montoya, Seyed Mohamad Ali Tousi, Gbenga Omotara, and Guilherme DeSouza
Crop Residue Cover Percentage Estimation from RGB Images using Transfer Learning and Ensemble Ordinal Regression
Parth C. Upadhyay, AP Timotius Lagaunne, John A Lory, and Guilherme N DeSouza
High-Throughput and Accurate 3D Scanning of Cattle Using Time-of-Flight Sensors and Deep Learning
Gbenga Omotara, Seyed Mohamad Ali Tousi, Jared Decker, Derek Brake, and Guilherme N. DeSouza
High-Throughput and Accurate 3D Scanning of Cattle Using Time-of-Flight Sensors and Deep Learning
Gbenga Omotara, Seyed Mohamad Ali Tousi, Jared E Decker, Derek Brake, and Guilherme N DeSouza
Choosing the Correct Generalized Inverse for the Numerical Solution of the Inverse Kinematics of Incommensurate Robotic Manipulators
Jacket Demby's, Jeffrey Uhlmann, and Guilherme N. DeSouza
Achieving Unit-Consistent Pseudo-Inverse-based Path-Planning for Redundant Incommensurate Robotic Manipulators
Jacket Demby's, Jeffrey Uhlmann, and Guilherme N. DeSouza
Removal of Confounding Factors using GA-SVM Feature Adaptation: Application on Detection of Vocal Fatigue thru sEMG Classification
Yixiang Gao, Mark Berardi, Maria Dietrich, and Guilherme N. DeSouza
Estimation of Crop Residue Cover in High-Resolution RGB Images Using Features From a Pre-Trained Convolution Neural Network
T. AP. Lagaunne, Parth C. Upadhyay, John A. Lory, Guilherme N. DeSouza, and David A. Reece
Classification of Crop Residue Cover in High-Resolution RGB Images Using Machine Learning
Parth C. Upadhyay, John A. Lory, Guilherme N. DeSouza, Timotius A. P. Lagaunne and Christine M. Spinka
Classifying Cover Crop Residue from RGB Images: a Simple SVM versus a SVM Ensemble
Parth C. Upadhyay, Lokesh Karanam, John A. Lory and Guilherme N. DeSouza
Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Identifying Speech Phonemes
Gbenga Omotara, Mark Berardi, Maria Dietrich and G. N. DeSouza
Spatio-Temporal Reconstruction and Visualization of Plant Growth for Phenotyping
J. Demby's, A. Shafiekhani, F. B. Fritschi and G. N. DeSouza
A Pipeline Consisting of Pattern Recognition and
Finite Automata for Recognizing VCV Productions
in the Study of Vocal HyperFunction
Gbenga Omotara, Mark Berardi, Maria Dietrich and G. N. DeSouza
Effects of perturbed depth sensors in autonomous ground vehicles
A. J. Pina, A. J. Webb, J. L. Brown, T. C. Havens, B. Alvey, G. N. DeSouza, D. T. Anderson, S. R. Price
Classification of Vocal Fatigue using Neck sEMG with Leave-One-Subject-Out Testing
Yixiang Gao, Maria Dietrich, and G. N. DeSouza
Explore Voice Production Variability through Neck sEMG Clustering - Challenge for Accurate Labeling of Vocal Fatigue
Yixiang Gao, Maria Dietrich, and G. N. DeSouza
Classification of Vocal Fatigue Using sEMG: Data Imbalance, Normalization, and the Role of Vocal Fatigue Index Scores
Yixiang Gao, Maria Dietrich, and G. N. DeSouza
Capability of high-resolution RGB imagery to accurately document residue in row-crop fields
John A. Lory, Parth C. Upadhyay, Timotius A. P. Lagaunne, Christine M. Spinka, Ron Miller, Glenn Davis and Guilherme N. DeSouza,
Extralaryngeal surface EMG features that distinguish between those with and without elevated scores on the Vocal Fatigue Index
M. Dietrich, Y. Gao, and G. N. DeSouza
Relative fundamental frequency during vocal loading and relationships with laryngeal muscular patterns
M. Dietrich, E. Tippit, A. Walker, M. Pfeiffer, Y. Gao, and G. N. DeSouza
Path Planning in Dynamic Environments Using Time-Warped Grids and a Parallel Implementation
S. Farzan, and G. N. DeSouza
VisND: A Visualization Tool for Multidimensional Model of Canopy
A. Shafiekhani, F. B. Fritschi, and G. N. DeSouza
Classification of Vocal Gestures Extracted from Quasi-Daily Sentences to Detect Vocal Fatigue
Y. Gao, M. Dietrich, M. Pfeiffer, A. Walker and G. N. DeSouza
Object Detection and Pose Estimation Using CNN in Embedded Hardware for Assistive Technology
J. Demby's, Y. Gao, A. Shafiekhani, and G. N. DeSouza
A Study on Solving the Inverse Kinematics of Serial Robots using Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Neural Network
J. Demby's, Y. Gao, and G. N. DeSouza
Prediction of Soybean Root Response in the Field Using Nondestructive Seedling Three-Dimensional Root Features
Silvas Princea, Nakini Tushar Kanta Das, Mackensie Murphya, Babu Valliyodana, Guilherme N. DeSouza and Henry T. Nguyen
Classification of sEMG Signals for the Detection of Vocal Fatigue based on VFI Scores
Y. Gao, M. Dietrich, M. Pfeiffer, and G. N. DeSouza
A New 4D-RGB Mapping Technique for Field-Based High-Throughput Phenotyping
A. Shafiekhani, F. B. Fritschi, and G. N. DeSouza
Vinobot and Vinoculer: From Real To Simulated Platforms
A. Shafiekhani, F. B. Fritschi, and G. N. DeSouza
Classification of neck surface EMG signals for the early detection of vocal dysfunction
Y. Gao, M. Pfeiffer, M. Dietrich, and G. N. DeSouza
Automated Classification of Wrinkle Levels in Seed Coat Using Relevance Vector Machine
A. Shafiekhani, A. P. Dhanapal, J. D. Gillman, F. B. Fritschi, and G. N. DeSouza
Vinobot and Vinoculer: Two Robotic Platforms for High-Throughput Field Phenotyping
A. Shafiekhani, S. Kadam, F. B. Fritschi, and G. N. DeSouza
Detection of Simulated Vocal Dysfunctions Using Complex sEMG Patterns
N. R. Smith, L. A. Rivera, M. Dietrich, C. Shyu, M. P. Page, and G. N. DeSouza
Detecting Terahertz Signatures Using Guided Under-determined Source Signal Separation
L. A. Rivera and G. N. DeSouza
Distortion Correction in 3D-Modeling of Roots
for Plant Phenotyping
T. K. Das Nakini and G. N. DeSouza
From D-H to Inverse Kinematics: A Fast Numerical Solution for General Robotic Manipulators Using Parallel Processing
Farzan, S. and DeSouza, G. N.
Comparing Limb-Volume Measurement Techniques: 3D Models from an Infrared Depth Sensor versus Perometry and Water Displacement
Lu, G., DeSouza, G. N., Armer, J., Anderson, B., and Shyu, C.
A System for Limb-Volume Measurement using 3D Models from an Infrared Depth Sensor
Lu, G., DeSouza, G. N., Armer, J., Anderson, B., and Shyu, C.
Control of a Wheelchair using an Adaptive K-Means Clustering of Head Poses
Rivera, L. A., L. D. Franklin and DeSouza, G. N.
A power wheelchair controlled using hand gestures, a single sEMG sensor, and guided under-determined source signal separation
Rivera, L. A. and DeSouza, G. N.
Recognizing hand movements from a single sEMG sensor using guided under-determined source signal separation
L. A. Rivera and DeSouza, G. N.
Virtual Dermatologist: An Application of 3D Modeling to Tele-Healthcare
Lam, D. and DeSouza, G. N.
Wii Using only ‘We’: Using Background Subtraction and Human Pose Recognition to Eliminate Game Controllers
Dong, Y., Conrad, D. and DeSouza, G. N.
Geolocation of multiple targets from airborne video without terrain data
K. Han and G. N. DeSouza
Adaptive Learning of Multi-Subspace for Foreground Detection under Illumination Changes
Y. Dong and G. N. DeSouza
CNN-based Language and Interpreter for Image Processing on GPUS
R. T. Dolan and G. N. DeSouza
A Biologically Inspired Optical Flow System for Motion Detection and Object Identification
DeSouza, G. N. and V. Rijhwani
Accurate 3D tracking of rigid objects with occlusion using active appearance models
Mittrapiyanuruk, Pradit and DeSouza, Guilherme N and Kak, Avinash C
A Subsumptive, Hierarchical, and Distributed
Vision-Based Architecture for Smart Robotics
Guilherme N. DeSouza, and Avinash C. Kak
Calculating the 3d-pose of rigid-objects using active appearance models
Mittrapiyanumic, P and DeSouza, Guilherme N and Kak, Avinash C
Real-time tracking and pose estimation for industrial objects using geometric features
Yoon, Youngrock and DeSouza, Guilherme N and Kak, Avinash C
Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation: A Survey
Guilherme N. DeSouza and Avinash C. Kak
Robotic vision: What happened to the visions of yesterday?
Kak, Avinash C and DeSouza, N
An world-independent approach for the calibration of mobile robotics active stereo heads
DeSouza, Guilherme Nelson and Jones, Andrew H and Kak, Avinash C
Dual-beam structured-light scanning for 3-D object modeling
Park, Johnny and DeSouza, Guilherme N and Kak, Avinash C
An iterative approach to the hand-eye and base-world calibration problem
Hirsh, Robert L and DeSouza, Guilherme N and Kak, Avinash C
A multi-processing software infrastructure for robotic systems
Jones, Andrew H and DeSouza, Guilherme N and Kak, Avinash C
Comments on" FuzzyShell: a large-scale expert system shell using fuzzy logic for uncertainty reasoning"[with reply]
Sosnowski, Zenon A and DeSouza, Guilherme N and Kak, Avinash C
FuzzyShell: a large-scale expert system shell using fuzzy logic for uncertainty reasoning
Pan, Juiyao and DeSouza, Guilherme N and Kak, Avinash C
An integration of neural networks and nonmonotonic reasoning for power system diagnosis
da Silva, Victor NAL and de Souza, GNF and Zaverucha, G
3-D modeling of real-world objects using range and intensity images
(Book Chapter) - "Innovations in Machine Intelligence and Robot Perception"
Park, Johnny and DeSouza, Guilherme N
Real-Time Visual Servoing for Assembly On-the-fly
(Book chapter) - "Inteligent Systems: Techniques and Applications"
DeSouza G.N., Kak A.C.