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Author Session Start page Title
Atop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z
Aboelfotoh, Muhammad TS6.2 216 A mobile-based architecture for integrating personal health record data
Abouchi, Nacer TS13.1 414 A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems
Acharya, Raj TS4.5 176 A Network Security Architecture to Reduce the Risk of Data Leakage for Health Care Organizations
Aguiar, Ana SSH 2014: SSH.10 565 Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution
Al Muhtadi, Jalal SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.1 498 Low Delay and Secure M2M Communication Mechanism for eHealthcare
Al-Hamadi, Hussam ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.5 55 Formalizing Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Behavior in Event-B
Al-Qutayri, Mahmoud ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.5 55 Formalizing Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Behavior in Event-B
Alcântara, Roberto TS3.5 145 Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil
Alexandre, Celina PD.4 69 Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition
Ali, Mudassar SSH 2014: SSH.3 525 Cloud Based Real-Time Patient Support System with NADRA SNIC Integration
Alluhaidan, Ala TS7.5 253 MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care
Almeida, Hyggo SSH 2014: SSH.9 560 Standard-based and Distributed Health Information Sharing for mHealth IoT Systems
Almeida, Vitor TS8.3 271 A Framework for Customizing the Mobile and Remote Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Diseases
Alnosayan, Nagla TS7.5 253 MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care
Als, Adrian TS1.5 90 Post-diagnosis Management of Diabetes through a Mobile Health Consultation Application
Alshehri, Suhair TS4.3 164 Insider Threats and Access Control in e-Health Systems
Alves, Alisson TS16.5 482 An Architecture Supported by Georeferenced Services and Ubiquitous Computing for Controlling of Mosquito Aedes aegypti Focus - Case Inhumas, Goiás, Brazil
Alves, Domingos TS10.1 289 Method for the Mapping between Health Terminologies aiming Systems Interoperability
Amoroso, Alessandro TS3.2 127 RESTful Services for an Innovative E-Health Infrastructure: A Real Case Study
Andersen, Anders TS4.4 170 Privacy preserving health data processing
Andrade, Luiz TS3.5 145 Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil
TS16.4 476 Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems
Andrade, Rafael TS14.2 448 Designing an information retrieval system for the STT/SC
Andrews, Lynda TS10.5 305 Contextualising co-creation of value in electronic personal health records
Anedda, Paolo TS10.4 300 pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects
Appuhami, Harsha SSH 2014: SSH.4 531 Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video
Aratanha, Maria Adelia IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 18 c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants
D.4 463 Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology
Araujo, Roberto TS3.3 133 A New Architecture for Secure Storage and Sharing of Health Records in the Cloud Using Federated Identity Attributes
Ariga, Masato TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Arime, Noa TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Arrobo, Gabriel TS5.2 188 A Novel Vectorcardiogram System
Aziz, Zuneera TS13.5 437 Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs
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Baffa, Oswaldo PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
Barbon Junior, Sylvio TS11.2 317 Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images
Barbosa, Paulo TS13.3 425 Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation
Benharref, Abdelghani TS1.3 78 Smart Data Synchronization in m-Health Monitoring Applications
Bharath, Ramkrishna TS5.5 198 FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System
Bhatti, Saleem TS7.1 234 Using Online Social Media Platforms for Ubiquitous, Personal Health Monitoring
Bingning, Zhu TS8.2 265 A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System
Bione Kunicki, Ana IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.5 24 Limitations of principal component analysis as a method to detect neuronal assemblies
Björlund, Sebu TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Black, Alofi TS16.2 466 eHealth-as-a-Service (eHaaS): The industrialisation of health informatics, a practical approach
Blanco, Wilfredo TS11.3   Simulation Inverse Problems of Reconstruction of Image Data Using Patterned Electrical Impedance Tomography Female Breast
Bockstege, Benjamin TS3.1 121 A Management System for Motion-Based Gaming Peripherals for Physical Therapy Instrumentation
Bohra, Nafeesa TS13.5 437 Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs
Bölke, Anett TS7.3 240 Self-adaptive Middleware for ubiquitous Medical Device Integration
Boll, Susanne TS12.1 334 Smart Health Systems for Personal Health Action Plans
Borges, Rodrigo TS16.5 482 An Architecture Supported by Georeferenced Services and Ubiquitous Computing for Controlling of Mosquito Aedes aegypti Focus - Case Inhumas, Goiás, Brazil
Bornea, Mihaela TS6.4 228 Problem-Oriented Patient Record Summary: An Early Report on a Watson Application
Boudjit, Saadi TS1.4 84 Decode and Merge Cooperative MAC Protocol for intra WBAN Communication
Boumaza, Abdelkrim TS5.1 182 Detection of Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless 3-D Accelerometer Sensors
Bousson, Kouamana SSH 2014: SSH.2 520 Big Data Reduction Using RBFNN: A Predictive Model for ECG Waveform for eHealth platform integration
Braga, Reinaldo TS16.4 476 Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems
Brandão, Pedro SSH 2014: SSH.10 565 Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution
Brandl, Martin PD.1 64 Long Range RFID Position Estimation for Applications in the Health Care System
Bringel Filho, José TS8.1 259 Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems
Brito, Patrick TS8.4 277 Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization
Bults, Richard TS10.3 294 Quality of Data Computational Models and Telemedicine Treatment Effects
Bustos, Harold TS11.3   Simulation Inverse Problems of Reconstruction of Image Data Using Patterned Electrical Impedance Tomography Female Breast
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Cabezas, Ivan ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.4 49 A Review on Usability Features for Designing Electronic Health Records
Campos, Sergio TS6.3 222 Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database
Carrico, Cheryl IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 1 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 7 Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 12 Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke
Casla, Patricia TS6.1 209 Ethical Assessment in E-Health
Castaldin, André TS11.2 317 Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images
Castillo Lema, José TS16.3 471 Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System
Cavalcante, Ticia TS8.4 277 Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization
Cavalcanti, Pedro IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 18 c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants
Cerqueira, Eduardo TS3.3 133 A New Architecture for Secure Storage and Sharing of Health Records in the Cloud Using Federated Identity Attributes
Chai, Yi TS8.2 265 A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System
TS15.1 390 Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System
Challa, S. Sastry TS7.4 247 Reliable Low-Cost Telecardiology: High-Sensitivity Detection of Ventricular Beats using Dictionaries
Chandra, Bollepalli TS7.4 247 Reliable Low-Cost Telecardiology: High-Sensitivity Detection of Ventricular Beats using Dictionaries
Chatterjee, Samir TS7.5 253 MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care
Chatterjee, Samir TS7.5 253 MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care
Chelette, Kenneth IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 7 Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 12 Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke
Chen, Wei-Hsin TS7.2   A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare
Cherkaoui, El Hadi TS13.2 420 Context-aware Mobility Management with WiFi/3G Offloading for eHealth WBANs
Christianson, Bruce TS1.1 72 An Evaluation of Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks
Colle, Didier SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
Comunello, Eros TS4.2 158 Identity Management in E-Health: A Case Study of Web of Things application using OpenID Connect
Coninx, Karin TS12.2   ReHoblet - A Home-Based Rehabilitation Game on the Tablet
Constantin, Joseph TS13.1 414 A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems
Correia, Ricardo SSH 2014: SSH.10 565 Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution
Costa, Diana ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.2 37 Inconsistencies in Health Care Knowledge
Cunha, Paulo TS16.4 476 Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems
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d Ornellas, Marcos TS10.2   Knowledge Representation for Lung Cancer Patients' Prognosis
da Silva, Felipe TS3.3 133 A New Architecture for Secure Storage and Sharing of Health Records in the Cloud Using Federated Identity Attributes
Damasceno, Fábio TS16.1 460 TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development
Danielsson-Ojala, Riitta TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Dantas, Mario TS2.1 103 A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System
Dave, Saraansh SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.3 509 Privacy and eHealth-enabled Smart Meter Informatics
De Oliveira, Carina TS16.4 476 Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems
De Turck, Filip SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
Delussu, Giovanni TS10.4 300 pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects
Demyttenaere, Pieter SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
Derhab, Abdelouahid SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.1 498 Low Delay and Secure M2M Communication Mechanism for eHealthcare
Desai, Uday TS5.4 193 Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches
DeSouza, Guilherme TS9.3 371 Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions
Devarakonda, Murthy TS6.4 228 Problem-Oriented Patient Record Summary: An Early Report on a Watson Application
Dias, Ivan Frederico TS11.2 317 Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images
Dias, Thiago TS10.1 289 Method for the Mapping between Health Terminologies aiming Systems Interoperability
Díaz Rodríguez, Natalia TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Dietrich, Maria TS9.3 371 Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions
Divya Krishna, Konda TS5.5 198 FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System
Domenech, Marlon TS4.2 158 Identity Management in E-Health: A Case Study of Web of Things application using OpenID Connect
Dusa, Chandrashekar TS5.4 193 Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches
Dysinger, Wayne TS7.5 253 MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care
Etop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z
E.R. Hewage, Chaminda T. SSH 2014: SSH.4 531 Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video
El Gemayel, Charbel TS13.1 414 A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems
El-Yafouri, Raghid TS14.3   Electronic Medical Records Adoption and Use - Understanding the Barriers and the Levels of Adoption for Physicians in the USA
Endler, Markus TS8.3 271 A Framework for Customizing the Mobile and Remote Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Diseases
Epstein, Daniel TS16.1 460 TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development
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Faber, Jean IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 18 c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants
Fabri, Peter TS5.2 188 A Novel Vectorcardiogram System
Faiz, Irshad TS15.4 408 An Integrated Approach of Diet and Exercise Recommendations for Diabetes Patients
Falas, Łukasz SSH 2014: SSH.7 548 Enabling automatic composition of streams computing services through ontology-based standardization
Faria-Campos, Alessandra TS6.3 222 Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database
Felemban, Emad TS13.5 437 Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs
Felinto, Alan TS11.2 317 Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images
Felipe, Joaquim TS10.1 289 Method for the Mapping between Health Terminologies aiming Systems Interoperability
Felizardo, Virginie PD.4 69 Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition
SSH 2014: SSH.2 520 Big Data Reduction Using RBFNN: A Predictive Model for ECG Waveform for eHealth platform integration
Ferreira, Eduardo TS6.3 222 Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database
Ferreira, Helber TS11.3   Simulation Inverse Problems of Reconstruction of Image Data Using Patterned Electrical Impedance Tomography Female Breast
Fidalgo, Robson TS8.4 277 Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization
Fonseca, Ângelo TS15.2 396 A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies
Fourati, Lamia TS1.4 84 Decode and Merge Cooperative MAC Protocol for intra WBAN Communication
Frade, Samuel SSH 2014: SSH.10 565 Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution
Franco, Natália TS8.4 277 Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization
Freire, Marco Aurelio IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 18 c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants
Frexia, Francesca TS10.4 300 pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects
Fricker, Samuel TS3.4 139 A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix
Gtop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z
Gajanayake, Randike TS10.5 305 Contextualising co-creation of value in electronic personal health records
TS14.1 443 Adoption of Accountable-eHealth Systems by Future Healthcare Professionals
Gao, Shichao TS11.4 323 Real-time Quantifying Heart Beat Rate from Facial Video Recording on a Smart Phone using Kalman Filters
Garcia, Nuno PD.4 69 Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition
Garcia, Nuno PD.4 69 Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition
SSH 2014: SSH.2 520 Big Data Reduction Using RBFNN: A Predictive Model for ECG Waveform for eHealth platform integration
Gawanmeh, Amjad ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 43 Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.5 55 Formalizing Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Behavior in Event-B
Gehrmann, Christian TS4.1 151 Security Aspects of e-Health Systems Migration to the Cloud
Gilbert, Barry TS14.4 454 Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data
Gitlin, Richard TS5.2 188 A Novel Vectorcardiogram System
Gittens, Curtis TS1.5 90 Post-diagnosis Management of Diabetes through a Mobile Health Consultation Application
Gittens, Mechelle TS1.5 90 Post-diagnosis Management of Diabetes through a Mobile Health Consultation Application
Golden, Isaac SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.2 504 Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems
Gonzalez, Luis SSH 2014: SSH.5 537 Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly
Gonzalez, Ninfa SSH 2014: SSH.5 537 Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly
Gonzalez-Pinto, Ana TS6.1 209 Ethical Assessment in E-Health
Grohnert, Anne TS7.3 240 Self-adaptive Middleware for ubiquitous Medical Device Integration
Guedes, Fábio TS2.3 115 A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Htop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z
Hadjem, Medina TS9.2 365 An ECG Monitoring System For Prediction Of Cardiac Anomalies Using WBAN
Haeusler, Edward TS8.3 271 A Framework for Customizing the Mobile and Remote Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Diseases
Hamdi, Muhammad ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 43 Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM
Hara, Shinsuke D.1 193 Demonstration on a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Men during Exercise
TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Harzheim, Erno TS16.1 460 TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development
Hasan, Osman ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 43 Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM
Hassanein, Hossam TS6.2 216 A mobile-based architecture for integrating personal health record data
Hata, Jun-Ichi TS5.3   Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds
Henzman, Cameron IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 7 Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data
Hermens, Hermie TS10.3 294 Quality of Data Computational Models and Telemedicine Treatment Effects
Ho, Te-Wei TS7.2   A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare
Ho, Yi-Lwun TS7.2   A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare
Holanda, Raimir TS8.1 259 Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems
Holanec, Ivo TS3.4 139 A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix
Holmes, David TS14.4 454 Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data
Horta, Edgar TS2.3 115 A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments
TS15.2 396 A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies
Houston-Feenstra, Linda TS7.5 253 MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care
Huddleston, Jeanne TS14.4 454 Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data
Hung, Chi-Sheng TS7.2   A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare
Itop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z
Iannella, Renato TS14.1 443 Adoption of Accountable-eHealth Systems by Future Healthcare Professionals
Ichikawa, Masayuki TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Inácio, Andrei TS14.2 448 Designing an information retrieval system for the STT/SC
Ise, Masanao TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Ispas, Ioana TS6.1 209 Ethical Assessment in E-Health
Jtop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z
Jana, Soumya TS7.4 247 Reliable Low-Cost Telecardiology: High-Sensitivity Detection of Ventricular Beats using Dictionaries
Jiang, Wenjun TS11.4 323 Real-time Quantifying Heart Beat Rate from Facial Video Recording on a Smart Phone using Kalman Filters
Jourdan, Iain SSH 2014: SSH.4 531 Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video
Julio Cesar R. Dal Bello, Julio D.2 201 Specialized telecommunications system in the transmission of digital radiological images in hostile environments
Jumel, Fabrice TS13.1 414 A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems
Ktop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z
Kafali, Ozgur TS15.3 402 HYDRA: a HYbrid Diagnosis and monitoRing Architecture for diabetes
Kagoda, Mercy TS7.5 253 MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care
Kalogridis, Georgios SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.3 509 Privacy and eHealth-enabled Smart Meter Informatics
Kang, Guixia TS8.2 265 A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System
TS15.1 390 Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System
Karlsen, Randi TS4.4 170 Privacy preserving health data processing
Kauhanen, Lotta TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Kawabata, Takashi TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Kazienko, Juliano D.3 239 MobiCAP: A Mobile Application Prototype for Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
TS8.5 283 A Mobile Application System for Diagnosis and Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Kellner, Karlheinz PD.1 64 Long Range RFID Position Estimation for Applications in the Health Care System
Kemmann, Soeren TS13.3 425 Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation
Ketterl, Thomas TS5.2 188 A Novel Vectorcardiogram System
Khan, Muhammad Fahad SSH 2014: SSH.3 525 Cloud Based Real-Time Patient Support System with NADRA SNIC Integration
Khan, Sharifullah TS15.4 408 An Integrated Approach of Diet and Exercise Recommendations for Diabetes Patients
Khelil, Abdelmajid TS13.5 437 Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs
Khorakhun, Chonlatee TS7.1 234 Using Online Social Media Platforms for Ubiquitous, Personal Health Monitoring
King, Reco TS1.5 90 Post-diagnosis Management of Diabetes through a Mobile Health Consultation Application
Kitano, Toshihiko TS5.3   Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds
Klieb, Leslie TS14.3   Electronic Medical Records Adoption and Use - Understanding the Barriers and the Levels of Adoption for Physicians in the USA
Kliem, Andreas TS7.3 240 Self-adaptive Middleware for ubiquitous Medical Device Integration
Klinger, Augusto TS11.1 311 MIR: A Low Cost Digital Operating Room
Klongtruagrok, Teekayu TS9.3 371 Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions
Kosta, Eleni TS6.1 209 Ethical Assessment in E-Health
Ltop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z
Lai, Feipei TS7.2   A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare
Lai, Horng-Yih TS7.2   A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare
Larburu, Nekane TS10.3 294 Quality of Data Computational Models and Telemedicine Treatment Effects
Latif, Khalid ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 43 Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM
Leal, Liliam TS8.1 259 Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems
Lee, Bu Sung TS2.2 109 Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease
Lee, Chonho TS2.2 109 Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease
Lee, Edward TS7.5 253 MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care
Leite, Fabio TS13.3 425 Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation
Lemos, Marcus TS8.1 259 Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems
Lemos, Nelson IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 18 c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants
Li, Congcong TS8.2 265 A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System
Li, Jianqiang TS9.4 377 Health Sensing by Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones: A Survey
Lianas, Luca TS10.4 300 pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects
Lilius, Johan TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Lim, Ai Keow TS3.4 139 A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix
TS6.1 209 Ethical Assessment in E-Health
Lima, Guilherme TS11.1 311 MIR: A Low Cost Digital Operating Room
Lima Brasil, Fabricio IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.5 24 Limitations of principal component analysis as a method to detect neuronal assemblies
D.4 463 Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology
Liu, Xiaoshuang TS8.2 265 A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System
TS15.1 390 Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System
Liu, Yang TS5.2 188 A Novel Vectorcardiogram System
Liu, Yaning TS9.1 359 Pervasive Detection of Sleep Apnea using Medical Wireless Sensor Networks
Liu, Yi TS2.2 109 Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease
Longoni, Guilherme TS11.1 311 MIR: A Low Cost Digital Operating Room
Lu, Fletcher TS12.5 353 Reducing Adolescent Obesity with a Social Networking Mobile Fitness Application
Luyten, Kris TS12.2   ReHoblet - A Home-Based Rehabilitation Game on the Tablet
Mtop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z
Macedo, Douglas TS14.2 448 Designing an information retrieval system for the STT/SC
Machado, Helio Rubens PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
Macia Bertran, Isela TS15.5 203 Towards a Semantic Interoperability Environment
Majors, Joachim TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Mäki, Toni SSH 2014: SSH.1 515 QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications
Malcolm, James TS1.1 72 An Evaluation of Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks
Manirabona, Audace TS1.4 84 Decode and Merge Cooperative MAC Protocol for intra WBAN Communication
Marcos, Joao ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.2 37 Inconsistencies in Health Care Knowledge
Marfia, Gustavo TS3.2 127 RESTful Services for an Innovative E-Health Infrastructure: A Real Case Study
Martin, Patrick TS6.2 216 A mobile-based architecture for integrating personal health record data
Martini, Maria SSH 2014: SSH.4 531 Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video
Martins, Manuel ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.2 37 Inconsistencies in Health Care Knowledge
Matsuda, Renan PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
Matsumoto, Shinsuke ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.1 31 How Should Remote Monitoring Sensor Be Accurate?
Maw, Htoo TS1.1 72 An Evaluation of Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks
McKeown, Martin TS2.2 109 Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease
Mehaoua, Ahmed TS5.1 182 Detection of Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless 3-D Accelerometer Sensors
TS9.1 359 Pervasive Detection of Sleep Apnea using Medical Wireless Sensor Networks
Melo, Alessandro D.2 201 Specialized telecommunications system in the transmission of digital radiological images in hostile environments
Melo, Leonardo D.2 201 Specialized telecommunications system in the transmission of digital radiological images in hostile environments
Mendonça, Raphael TS13.3 425 Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation
Merchant, Shabbir TS5.4 193 Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches
Merilahti, Juho SSH 2014: SSH.1 515 QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications
Meyer, Jochen TS12.1 334 Smart Health Systems for Personal Health Action Plans
Michalas, Antonis TS4.1 151 Security Aspects of e-Health Systems Migration to the Cloud
Minelli, Leonardo TS10.2   Knowledge Representation for Lung Cancer Patients' Prognosis
Mishra, Sumita TS4.3 164 Insider Threats and Access Control in e-Health Systems
Mival, Oli TS3.4 139 A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix
TS6.1 209 Ethical Assessment in E-Health
Mizouni, Rabeb TS1.3 78 Smart Data Synchronization in m-Health Monitoring Applications
Mohammed, Abdul Mateen TS5.5 198 FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System
Moioli, Renan IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.5 24 Limitations of principal component analysis as a method to detect neuronal assemblies
D.4 463 Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology
Morya, Edgard IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 18 c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants
D.4 463 Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology
Moutinho, José TS15.2 396 A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies
Mukhtar, Hamid TS15.4 408 An Integrated Approach of Diet and Exercise Recommendations for Diabetes Patients
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Naït-Abdesselam, Farid TS9.2 365 An ECG Monitoring System For Prediction Of Cardiac Anomalies Using WBAN
Nakada, Kaoru TS5.3   Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds
Nakajima, Isao TS5.3   Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds
Nakamura, Hajime TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Nakamura, Masahide ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.1 31 How Should Remote Monitoring Sensor Be Accurate?
Nakazawa, Jin TS11.5 327 Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging
Nazario, Debora TS2.1 103 A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System
Nazim, Agoulmine TS3.5 145 Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil
TS8.1 259 Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems
TS13.2 420 Context-aware Mobility Management with WiFi/3G Offloading for eHealth WBANs
Neto, Augusto TS2.1 103 A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System
TS16.3 471 Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System
Nichols, Laurie IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 1 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 7 Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 12 Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke
Nishiyama, Yuuki TS11.5 327 Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging
Noritomi, Pedro PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
Noury, Norbert TS1.2   Indoor Localization with Wearable RF devices in 868MHz and 2.4GHz Bands
Nunes de Carvalho, Carlos Giovanni TS8.1 259 Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems
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Okoshi, Tadashi TS11.5 327 Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging
Okuhata, Hiroyuki TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Oliveira, Antonio TS3.5 145 Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil
TS16.4 476 Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems
Oliveira, Daniel PD.4 69 Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition
Oliveira Antonino, Pablo TS13.3 425 Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation
Ongenae, Femke SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
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Page, Matthew TS9.3 371 Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions
Paladi, Nicolae TS4.1 151 Security Aspects of e-Health Systems Migration to the Cloud
Panzner, Todd SSH 2014: SSH.5 537 Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly
Patel, Dhaval TS13.4 431 Mobile Health Application for Early Disease Outbreak-Period Detection
Pereira, Carlos SSH 2014: SSH.10 565 Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution
Perkusich, Angelo SSH 2014: SSH.9 560 Standard-based and Distributed Health Information Sharing for mHealth IoT Systems
Perumalla, Calvin TS5.2 188 A Novel Vectorcardiogram System
Pervez, Usman ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 43 Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM
Pickavet, Mario SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
Pietra, Enio TS6.3 222 Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database
Pilapitiya, Senaka SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.2 504 Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems
Pirinen, Hanna TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Pombo, Nuno SSH 2014: SSH.2 520 Big Data Reduction Using RBFNN: A Predictive Model for ECG Waveform for eHealth platform integration
Poujaud, Julien TS1.2   Indoor Localization with Wearable RF devices in 868MHz and 2.4GHz Bands
Puli, Suresh TS5.4 193 Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches
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Qureshi, Umair Mujtaba TS13.5 437 Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs
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Raj, Rajendra TS4.3 164 Insider Threats and Access Control in e-Health Systems
Rajalakshmi, Pachamuthu TS5.4 193 Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches
TS5.5 198 FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System
Ramos, Ronaldo TS16.4 476 Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems
Rani, Preetika TS13.4 431 Mobile Health Application for Early Disease Outbreak-Period Detection
Rausch, Herbert TS6.3 222 Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database
Rauscher, Richard TS4.5 176 A Network Security Architecture to Reduce the Risk of Data Leakage for Health Care Organizations
Rautanen, Kimmo TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Raychoudhury, Vaskar TS13.4 431 Mobile Health Application for Early Disease Outbreak-Period Detection
Reategui, Eliseo TS16.1 460 TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development
Rebhi, Yacine TS5.1 182 Detection of Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless 3-D Accelerometer Sensors
Reddy, Lakshmi IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 1 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data
Ribeiro, Anderson TS8.1 259 Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems
Robert, Karel TS12.2   ReHoblet - A Home-Based Rehabilitation Game on the Tablet
Robles-Bykbaev, Vladimir SSH 2014: SSH.5 537 Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly
Roccetti, Marco TS3.2 127 RESTful Services for an Innovative E-Health Infrastructure: A Real Case Study
Rockall, Timothy SSH 2014: SSH.4 531 Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video
Rodrigues, Daniel TS2.3 115 A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Rodrigues, Joel TS2.3 115 A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments
TS15.2 396 A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies
Rodriguez Rodriguez, Eva SSH 2014: SSH.1 515 QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications
Roesler, Valter TS11.1 311 MIR: A Low Cost Digital Operating Room
Rondinoni, Carlo PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
Rosa, Pedro TS16.3 471 Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System
Ruiz de Azua, Sonia TS6.1 209 Ethical Assessment in E-Health
Runge, Arnaud SSH 2014: SSH.1 515 QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications
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Sahama, Tony TS10.5 305 Contextualising co-creation of value in electronic personal health records
TS14.1 443 Adoption of Accountable-eHealth Systems by Future Healthcare Professionals
TS16.2 466 eHealth-as-a-Service (eHaaS): The industrialisation of health informatics, a practical approach
SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.2 504 Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems
Saiki, Sachio ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.1 31 How Should Remote Monitoring Sensor Be Accurate?
Salakoski, Tapio TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Salanterä, Sanna TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
Saleem, Kashif SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.1 498 Low Delay and Secure M2M Communication Mechanism for eHealthcare
Salem, Osman TS5.1 182 Detection of Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless 3-D Accelerometer Sensors
TS9.1 359 Pervasive Detection of Sleep Apnea using Medical Wireless Sensor Networks
TS9.2 365 An ECG Monitoring System For Prediction Of Cardiac Anomalies Using WBAN
Salles, Sara IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 1 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data
Salles Cunha Peres, André PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
Salmon, Elizabeth IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 1 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data
Salyers, Emily IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 7 Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 12 Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke
Santos, Antonio Carlos PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
Santos, Danilo SSH 2014: SSH.9 560 Standard-based and Distributed Health Information Sharing for mHealth IoT Systems
Santos, Jose Ronaldo IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 18 c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants
Santos, Lilian TS6.3 222 Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database
Santos, Marcos TS3.5 145 Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil
Sardeto Deolindo, Camila IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.5 24 Limitations of principal component analysis as a method to detect neuronal assemblies
Sawaki, Lumy IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 1 Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 7 Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 12 Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke
Schaechtle, Ulrich TS15.3 402 HYDRA: a HYbrid Diagnosis and monitoRing Architecture for diabetes
Schapranow, Matthieu-P. TS12.3 341 In-Memory Technology Enables Interactive Drug Response Analysis
Schauer, Patryk SSH 2014: SSH.7 548 Enabling automatic composition of streams computing services through ontology-based standardization
Schmitz, Carlos TS16.1 460 TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development
Seixas, Jose Luis TS11.2 317 Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images
Sendra, Sandra TS15.2 396 A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies
Serhani, Mohamed Adel TS1.3 78 Smart Data Synchronization in m-Health Monitoring Applications
Shaikh, Faisal Karim TS13.5 437 Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs
Shimazaki, Takunori D.1 193 Demonstration on a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Men during Exercise
TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Shyu, Chi-Ren TS9.3 371 Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions
Silva, Bruno TS2.3 115 A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments
Silva, Edson TS8.4 277 Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization
Silva, Felipe TS16.3 471 Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System
Silva, Flavio TS16.3 471 Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System
Silva, Jorge Vicente PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
Silva, Lucas TS3.3 133 A New Architecture for Secure Storage and Sharing of Health Records in the Cloud Using Federated Identity Attributes
Silva, Renato D.3 239 MobiCAP: A Mobile Application Prototype for Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
TS8.5 283 A Mobile Application System for Diagnosis and Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Simplicio, Hougelle D.4 463 Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology
Singh Sandha, Sandeep TS13.4 431 Mobile Health Application for Early Disease Outbreak-Period Detection
Siqueira, Claudia TS11.2 317 Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images
Siribaddana, Sisira SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.2 504 Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems
Smith, Nicholas TS9.3 371 Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions
Smith, Ralph SSH 2014: SSH.4 531 Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video
Song, Lei TS9.4 377 Health Sensing by Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones: A Survey
Sousa, Paula PD.4 69 Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition
Souza, Victor PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
St. Sauver, Jennifer TS14.4 454 Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data
Stathis, Kostas TS15.3 402 HYDRA: a HYbrid Diagnosis and monitoRing Architecture for diabetes
Stelmach, Pawel SSH 2014: SSH.7 548 Enabling automatic composition of streams computing services through ontology-based standardization
Stevenson, James TS2.2 109 Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease
Stranieri, Andrew SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.2 504 Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems
Striegel, Aaron TS3.1 121 A Management System for Motion-Based Gaming Peripherals for Physical Therapy Instrumentation
Swiatek, Pawel SSH 2014: SSH.7 548 Enabling automatic composition of streams computing services through ontology-based standardization
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Ta, Masuhisa TS5.3   Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds
Tahar, Sofiene ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 43 Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM
Takashio, Kazu TS11.5 327 Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging
Techentin, Robert TS14.4 454 Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data
Teles, Germanno TS3.5 145 Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil
TS16.4 476 Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems
Tezuka, Kouhei TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Thuemmler, Christoph TS3.4 139 A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix
TS6.1 209 Ethical Assessment in E-Health
Todesco, Jose TS2.1 103 A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System
Tokuda, Hideyuki TS11.5 327 Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging
Tokunaga, Seiki ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.1 31 How Should Remote Monitoring Sensor Be Accurate?
Toulouse, Claude-Vivien TS2.4   Contribution of the cyclic correlation in gait analysis: variation between fallers and non-fallers
Touvat, Fabien TS1.2   Indoor Localization with Wearable RF devices in 868MHz and 2.4GHz Bands
Traeder, Nicolas TS7.3 240 Self-adaptive Middleware for ubiquitous Medical Device Integration
Tromel, Igor TS2.1 103 A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System
Tsou, Ching-Huei TS6.4 228 Problem-Oriented Patient Record Summary: An Early Report on a Watson Application
Tsujioka, Tetsuo TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Tuominen, Ilona TS12.4 347 Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
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Vale, Eduardo D.2 201 Specialized telecommunications system in the transmission of digital radiological images in hostile environments
Valencia-Redrovan, David SSH 2014: SSH.5 537 Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly
Valéria, Olga TS8.1 259 Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems
Van Ooteghem, Jan SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
Van Poucke, Laurens SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
Vandermaesen, Marijke TS12.2   ReHoblet - A Home-Based Rehabilitation Game on the Tablet
Vannieuwenborg, Frederic SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
Varela, Martin SSH 2014: SSH.1 515 QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications
Vaughan, Stephen SPAIMeH'14: SPAIMeH.2 504 Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems
Verbrugge, Sofie SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
Verstichel, Stijn SSH 2014: SSH.6 542 Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
Villa, Luis ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.4 49 A Review on Usability Features for Designing Electronic Health Records
Vitali, Fabio TS3.2 127 RESTful Services for an Innovative E-Health Infrastructure: A Real Case Study
Vivek, Akkala TS5.5 198 FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System
Volpon Santos, Marcelo PD.3 66 Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
von Wangenheim, Aldo TS14.2 448 Designing an information retrieval system for the STT/SC
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Wang, Yongcai TS9.4 377 Health Sensing by Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones: A Survey
Wang, Yu-jie TS7.2   A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare
Wangham, Michelle TS4.2 158 Identity Management in E-Health: A Case Study of Web of Things application using OpenID Connect
Watanabe, Kenji TS9.5 384 Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
Welfer, Daniel D.3 239 MobiCAP: A Mobile Application Prototype for Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
TS8.5 283 A Mobile Application System for Diagnosis and Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Widya, Ing TS10.3 294 Quality of Data Computational Models and Telemedicine Treatment Effects
Winck, Ana TS10.2   Knowledge Representation for Lung Cancer Patients' Prognosis
Wittek, Peter TS11.4 323 Real-time Quantifying Heart Beat Rate from Facial Video Recording on a Smart Phone using Kalman Filters
Wu, Jianwei TS15.1 390 Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System
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Xiao, Hannan TS1.1 72 An Evaluation of Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks
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Yang, Ji-Jiang TS9.4 377 Health Sensing by Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones: A Survey
Yigzaw, Kassaye TS4.4 170 Privacy preserving health data processing
Yonezawa, Takuro TS11.5 327 Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging
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Zanetti, Gianluigi TS10.4 300 pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects
Zaouk, Doumit TS13.1 414 A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems
Zhang, Dongyang TS6.4 228 Problem-Oriented Patient Record Summary: An Early Report on a Watson Application
Zhang, Ningbo TS8.2 265 A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System
TS15.1 390 Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System
Zhao, Li TS11.4 323 Real-time Quantifying Heart Beat Rate from Facial Video Recording on a Smart Phone using Kalman Filters