Author |
Session |
Start page |
Title |
A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Aboelfotoh, Muhammad |
TS6.2 |
216 |
A mobile-based architecture for integrating personal health record data |
Abouchi, Nacer |
TS13.1 |
414 |
A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems |
Acharya, Raj |
TS4.5 |
176 |
A Network Security Architecture to Reduce the Risk of Data Leakage for Health Care Organizations |
Aguiar, Ana |
SSH 2014: SSH.10 |
565 |
Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution |
Al Muhtadi, Jalal |
498 |
Low Delay and Secure M2M Communication Mechanism for eHealthcare |
Al-Hamadi, Hussam |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.5 |
55 |
Formalizing Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Behavior in Event-B |
Al-Qutayri, Mahmoud |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.5 |
55 |
Formalizing Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Behavior in Event-B |
Alcântara, Roberto |
TS3.5 |
145 |
Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil |
Alexandre, Celina |
PD.4 |
69 |
Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition |
Ali, Mudassar |
SSH 2014: SSH.3 |
525 |
Cloud Based Real-Time Patient Support System with NADRA SNIC Integration |
Alluhaidan, Ala |
TS7.5 |
253 |
MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care |
Almeida, Hyggo |
SSH 2014: SSH.9 |
560 |
Standard-based and Distributed Health Information Sharing for mHealth IoT Systems |
Almeida, Vitor |
TS8.3 |
271 |
A Framework for Customizing the Mobile and Remote Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Diseases |
Alnosayan, Nagla |
TS7.5 |
253 |
MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care |
Als, Adrian |
TS1.5 |
90 |
Post-diagnosis Management of Diabetes through a Mobile Health Consultation Application |
Alshehri, Suhair |
TS4.3 |
164 |
Insider Threats and Access Control in e-Health Systems |
Alves, Alisson |
TS16.5 |
482 |
An Architecture Supported by Georeferenced Services and Ubiquitous Computing for Controlling of Mosquito Aedes aegypti Focus - Case Inhumas, Goiás, Brazil |
Alves, Domingos |
TS10.1 |
289 |
Method for the Mapping between Health Terminologies aiming Systems Interoperability |
Amoroso, Alessandro |
TS3.2 |
127 |
RESTful Services for an Innovative E-Health Infrastructure: A Real Case Study |
Andersen, Anders |
TS4.4 |
170 |
Privacy preserving health data processing |
Andrade, Luiz |
TS3.5 |
145 |
Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil |
TS16.4 |
476 |
Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems |
Andrade, Rafael |
TS14.2 |
448 |
Designing an information retrieval system for the STT/SC |
Andrews, Lynda |
TS10.5 |
305 |
Contextualising co-creation of value in electronic personal health records |
Anedda, Paolo |
TS10.4 |
300 |
pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects |
Appuhami, Harsha |
SSH 2014: SSH.4 |
531 |
Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video |
Aratanha, Maria Adelia |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 |
18 |
c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants |
D.4 |
463 |
Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology |
Araujo, Roberto |
TS3.3 |
133 |
A New Architecture for Secure Storage and Sharing of Health Records in the Cloud Using Federated Identity Attributes |
Ariga, Masato |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Arime, Noa |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Arrobo, Gabriel |
TS5.2 |
188 |
A Novel Vectorcardiogram System |
Aziz, Zuneera |
TS13.5 |
437 |
Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs |
B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Baffa, Oswaldo |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
Barbon Junior, Sylvio |
TS11.2 |
317 |
Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images |
Barbosa, Paulo |
TS13.3 |
425 |
Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation |
Benharref, Abdelghani |
TS1.3 |
78 |
Smart Data Synchronization in m-Health Monitoring Applications |
Bharath, Ramkrishna |
TS5.5 |
198 |
FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
Bhatti, Saleem |
TS7.1 |
234 |
Using Online Social Media Platforms for Ubiquitous, Personal Health Monitoring |
Bingning, Zhu |
TS8.2 |
265 |
A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System |
Bione Kunicki, Ana |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.5 |
24 |
Limitations of principal component analysis as a method to detect neuronal assemblies |
Björlund, Sebu |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Black, Alofi |
TS16.2 |
466 |
eHealth-as-a-Service (eHaaS): The industrialisation of health informatics, a practical approach |
Blanco, Wilfredo |
TS11.3 |
Simulation Inverse Problems of Reconstruction of Image Data Using Patterned Electrical Impedance Tomography Female Breast |
Bockstege, Benjamin |
TS3.1 |
121 |
A Management System for Motion-Based Gaming Peripherals for Physical Therapy Instrumentation |
Bohra, Nafeesa |
TS13.5 |
437 |
Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs |
Bölke, Anett |
TS7.3 |
240 |
Self-adaptive Middleware for ubiquitous Medical Device Integration |
Boll, Susanne |
TS12.1 |
334 |
Smart Health Systems for Personal Health Action Plans |
Borges, Rodrigo |
TS16.5 |
482 |
An Architecture Supported by Georeferenced Services and Ubiquitous Computing for Controlling of Mosquito Aedes aegypti Focus - Case Inhumas, Goiás, Brazil |
Bornea, Mihaela |
TS6.4 |
228 |
Problem-Oriented Patient Record Summary: An Early Report on a Watson Application |
Boudjit, Saadi |
TS1.4 |
84 |
Decode and Merge Cooperative MAC Protocol for intra WBAN Communication |
Boumaza, Abdelkrim |
TS5.1 |
182 |
Detection of Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless 3-D Accelerometer Sensors |
Bousson, Kouamana |
SSH 2014: SSH.2 |
520 |
Big Data Reduction Using RBFNN: A Predictive Model for ECG Waveform for eHealth platform integration |
Braga, Reinaldo |
TS16.4 |
476 |
Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems |
Brandão, Pedro |
SSH 2014: SSH.10 |
565 |
Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution |
Brandl, Martin |
PD.1 |
64 |
Long Range RFID Position Estimation for Applications in the Health Care System |
Bringel Filho, José |
TS8.1 |
259 |
Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems |
Brito, Patrick |
TS8.4 |
277 |
Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization |
Bults, Richard |
TS10.3 |
294 |
Quality of Data Computational Models and Telemedicine Treatment Effects |
Bustos, Harold |
TS11.3 |
Simulation Inverse Problems of Reconstruction of Image Data Using Patterned Electrical Impedance Tomography Female Breast |
C A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Cabezas, Ivan |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.4 |
49 |
A Review on Usability Features for Designing Electronic Health Records |
Campos, Sergio |
TS6.3 |
222 |
Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database |
Carrico, Cheryl |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 |
1 |
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 |
7 |
Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 |
12 |
Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke |
Casla, Patricia |
TS6.1 |
209 |
Ethical Assessment in E-Health |
Castaldin, André |
TS11.2 |
317 |
Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images |
Castillo Lema, José |
TS16.3 |
471 |
Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System |
Cavalcante, Ticia |
TS8.4 |
277 |
Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization |
Cavalcanti, Pedro |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 |
18 |
c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants |
Cerqueira, Eduardo |
TS3.3 |
133 |
A New Architecture for Secure Storage and Sharing of Health Records in the Cloud Using Federated Identity Attributes |
Chai, Yi |
TS8.2 |
265 |
A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System |
TS15.1 |
390 |
Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System |
Challa, S. Sastry |
TS7.4 |
247 |
Reliable Low-Cost Telecardiology: High-Sensitivity Detection of Ventricular Beats using Dictionaries |
Chandra, Bollepalli |
TS7.4 |
247 |
Reliable Low-Cost Telecardiology: High-Sensitivity Detection of Ventricular Beats using Dictionaries |
Chatterjee, Samir |
TS7.5 |
253 |
MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care |
Chatterjee, Samir |
TS7.5 |
253 |
MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care |
Chelette, Kenneth |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 |
7 |
Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 |
12 |
Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke |
Chen, Wei-Hsin |
TS7.2 |
A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare |
Cherkaoui, El Hadi |
TS13.2 |
420 |
Context-aware Mobility Management with WiFi/3G Offloading for eHealth WBANs |
Christianson, Bruce |
TS1.1 |
72 |
An Evaluation of Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks |
Colle, Didier |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
Comunello, Eros |
TS4.2 |
158 |
Identity Management in E-Health: A Case Study of Web of Things application using OpenID Connect |
Coninx, Karin |
TS12.2 |
ReHoblet - A Home-Based Rehabilitation Game on the Tablet |
Constantin, Joseph |
TS13.1 |
414 |
A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems |
Correia, Ricardo |
SSH 2014: SSH.10 |
565 |
Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution |
Costa, Diana |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.2 |
37 |
Inconsistencies in Health Care Knowledge |
Cunha, Paulo |
TS16.4 |
476 |
Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems |
D A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
d Ornellas, Marcos |
TS10.2 |
Knowledge Representation for Lung Cancer Patients' Prognosis |
da Silva, Felipe |
TS3.3 |
133 |
A New Architecture for Secure Storage and Sharing of Health Records in the Cloud Using Federated Identity Attributes |
Damasceno, Fábio |
TS16.1 |
460 |
TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development |
Danielsson-Ojala, Riitta |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Dantas, Mario |
TS2.1 |
103 |
A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System |
Dave, Saraansh |
509 |
Privacy and eHealth-enabled Smart Meter Informatics |
De Oliveira, Carina |
TS16.4 |
476 |
Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems |
De Turck, Filip |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
Delussu, Giovanni |
TS10.4 |
300 |
pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects |
Demyttenaere, Pieter |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
Derhab, Abdelouahid |
498 |
Low Delay and Secure M2M Communication Mechanism for eHealthcare |
Desai, Uday |
TS5.4 |
193 |
Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches |
DeSouza, Guilherme |
TS9.3 |
371 |
Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions |
Devarakonda, Murthy |
TS6.4 |
228 |
Problem-Oriented Patient Record Summary: An Early Report on a Watson Application |
Dias, Ivan Frederico |
TS11.2 |
317 |
Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images |
Dias, Thiago |
TS10.1 |
289 |
Method for the Mapping between Health Terminologies aiming Systems Interoperability |
Díaz Rodríguez, Natalia |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Dietrich, Maria |
TS9.3 |
371 |
Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions |
Divya Krishna, Konda |
TS5.5 |
198 |
FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
Domenech, Marlon |
TS4.2 |
158 |
Identity Management in E-Health: A Case Study of Web of Things application using OpenID Connect |
Dusa, Chandrashekar |
TS5.4 |
193 |
Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches |
Dysinger, Wayne |
TS7.5 |
253 |
MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care |
E A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
E.R. Hewage, Chaminda T. |
SSH 2014: SSH.4 |
531 |
Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video |
El Gemayel, Charbel |
TS13.1 |
414 |
A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems |
El-Yafouri, Raghid |
TS14.3 |
Electronic Medical Records Adoption and Use - Understanding the Barriers and the Levels of Adoption for Physicians in the USA |
Endler, Markus |
TS8.3 |
271 |
A Framework for Customizing the Mobile and Remote Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Diseases |
Epstein, Daniel |
TS16.1 |
460 |
TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development |
F A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Faber, Jean |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 |
18 |
c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants |
Fabri, Peter |
TS5.2 |
188 |
A Novel Vectorcardiogram System |
Faiz, Irshad |
TS15.4 |
408 |
An Integrated Approach of Diet and Exercise Recommendations for Diabetes Patients |
Falas, Łukasz |
SSH 2014: SSH.7 |
548 |
Enabling automatic composition of streams computing services through ontology-based standardization |
Faria-Campos, Alessandra |
TS6.3 |
222 |
Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database |
Felemban, Emad |
TS13.5 |
437 |
Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs |
Felinto, Alan |
TS11.2 |
317 |
Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images |
Felipe, Joaquim |
TS10.1 |
289 |
Method for the Mapping between Health Terminologies aiming Systems Interoperability |
Felizardo, Virginie |
PD.4 |
69 |
Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition |
SSH 2014: SSH.2 |
520 |
Big Data Reduction Using RBFNN: A Predictive Model for ECG Waveform for eHealth platform integration |
Ferreira, Eduardo |
TS6.3 |
222 |
Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database |
Ferreira, Helber |
TS11.3 |
Simulation Inverse Problems of Reconstruction of Image Data Using Patterned Electrical Impedance Tomography Female Breast |
Fidalgo, Robson |
TS8.4 |
277 |
Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization |
Fonseca, Ângelo |
TS15.2 |
396 |
A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies |
Fourati, Lamia |
TS1.4 |
84 |
Decode and Merge Cooperative MAC Protocol for intra WBAN Communication |
Frade, Samuel |
SSH 2014: SSH.10 |
565 |
Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution |
Franco, Natália |
TS8.4 |
277 |
Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization |
Freire, Marco Aurelio |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 |
18 |
c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants |
Frexia, Francesca |
TS10.4 |
300 |
pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects |
Fricker, Samuel |
TS3.4 |
139 |
A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix |
G A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Gajanayake, Randike |
TS10.5 |
305 |
Contextualising co-creation of value in electronic personal health records |
TS14.1 |
443 |
Adoption of Accountable-eHealth Systems by Future Healthcare Professionals |
Gao, Shichao |
TS11.4 |
323 |
Real-time Quantifying Heart Beat Rate from Facial Video Recording on a Smart Phone using Kalman Filters |
Garcia, Nuno |
PD.4 |
69 |
Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition |
Garcia, Nuno |
PD.4 |
69 |
Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition |
SSH 2014: SSH.2 |
520 |
Big Data Reduction Using RBFNN: A Predictive Model for ECG Waveform for eHealth platform integration |
Gawanmeh, Amjad |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 |
43 |
Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.5 |
55 |
Formalizing Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Behavior in Event-B |
Gehrmann, Christian |
TS4.1 |
151 |
Security Aspects of e-Health Systems Migration to the Cloud |
Gilbert, Barry |
TS14.4 |
454 |
Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data |
Gitlin, Richard |
TS5.2 |
188 |
A Novel Vectorcardiogram System |
Gittens, Curtis |
TS1.5 |
90 |
Post-diagnosis Management of Diabetes through a Mobile Health Consultation Application |
Gittens, Mechelle |
TS1.5 |
90 |
Post-diagnosis Management of Diabetes through a Mobile Health Consultation Application |
Golden, Isaac |
504 |
Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems |
Gonzalez, Luis |
SSH 2014: SSH.5 |
537 |
Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly |
Gonzalez, Ninfa |
SSH 2014: SSH.5 |
537 |
Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly |
Gonzalez-Pinto, Ana |
TS6.1 |
209 |
Ethical Assessment in E-Health |
Grohnert, Anne |
TS7.3 |
240 |
Self-adaptive Middleware for ubiquitous Medical Device Integration |
Guedes, Fábio |
TS2.3 |
115 |
A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments |
H A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Hadjem, Medina |
TS9.2 |
365 |
An ECG Monitoring System For Prediction Of Cardiac Anomalies Using WBAN |
Haeusler, Edward |
TS8.3 |
271 |
A Framework for Customizing the Mobile and Remote Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Diseases |
Hamdi, Muhammad |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 |
43 |
Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM |
Hara, Shinsuke |
D.1 |
193 |
Demonstration on a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Men during Exercise |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Harzheim, Erno |
TS16.1 |
460 |
TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development |
Hasan, Osman |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 |
43 |
Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM |
Hassanein, Hossam |
TS6.2 |
216 |
A mobile-based architecture for integrating personal health record data |
Hata, Jun-Ichi |
TS5.3 |
Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds |
Henzman, Cameron |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 |
7 |
Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data |
Hermens, Hermie |
TS10.3 |
294 |
Quality of Data Computational Models and Telemedicine Treatment Effects |
Ho, Te-Wei |
TS7.2 |
A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare |
Ho, Yi-Lwun |
TS7.2 |
A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare |
Holanda, Raimir |
TS8.1 |
259 |
Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems |
Holanec, Ivo |
TS3.4 |
139 |
A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix |
Holmes, David |
TS14.4 |
454 |
Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data |
Horta, Edgar |
TS2.3 |
115 |
A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments |
TS15.2 |
396 |
A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies |
Houston-Feenstra, Linda |
TS7.5 |
253 |
MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care |
Huddleston, Jeanne |
TS14.4 |
454 |
Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data |
Hung, Chi-Sheng |
TS7.2 |
A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare |
I A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Iannella, Renato |
TS14.1 |
443 |
Adoption of Accountable-eHealth Systems by Future Healthcare Professionals |
Ichikawa, Masayuki |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Inácio, Andrei |
TS14.2 |
448 |
Designing an information retrieval system for the STT/SC |
Ise, Masanao |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Ispas, Ioana |
TS6.1 |
209 |
Ethical Assessment in E-Health |
J A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Jana, Soumya |
TS7.4 |
247 |
Reliable Low-Cost Telecardiology: High-Sensitivity Detection of Ventricular Beats using Dictionaries |
Jiang, Wenjun |
TS11.4 |
323 |
Real-time Quantifying Heart Beat Rate from Facial Video Recording on a Smart Phone using Kalman Filters |
Jourdan, Iain |
SSH 2014: SSH.4 |
531 |
Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video |
Julio Cesar R. Dal Bello, Julio |
D.2 |
201 |
Specialized telecommunications system in the transmission of digital radiological images in hostile environments |
Jumel, Fabrice |
TS13.1 |
414 |
A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems |
K A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Kafali, Ozgur |
TS15.3 |
402 |
HYDRA: a HYbrid Diagnosis and monitoRing Architecture for diabetes |
Kagoda, Mercy |
TS7.5 |
253 |
MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care |
Kalogridis, Georgios |
509 |
Privacy and eHealth-enabled Smart Meter Informatics |
Kang, Guixia |
TS8.2 |
265 |
A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System |
TS15.1 |
390 |
Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System |
Karlsen, Randi |
TS4.4 |
170 |
Privacy preserving health data processing |
Kauhanen, Lotta |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Kawabata, Takashi |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Kazienko, Juliano |
D.3 |
239 |
MobiCAP: A Mobile Application Prototype for Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia |
TS8.5 |
283 |
A Mobile Application System for Diagnosis and Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia |
Kellner, Karlheinz |
PD.1 |
64 |
Long Range RFID Position Estimation for Applications in the Health Care System |
Kemmann, Soeren |
TS13.3 |
425 |
Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation |
Ketterl, Thomas |
TS5.2 |
188 |
A Novel Vectorcardiogram System |
Khan, Muhammad Fahad |
SSH 2014: SSH.3 |
525 |
Cloud Based Real-Time Patient Support System with NADRA SNIC Integration |
Khan, Sharifullah |
TS15.4 |
408 |
An Integrated Approach of Diet and Exercise Recommendations for Diabetes Patients |
Khelil, Abdelmajid |
TS13.5 |
437 |
Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs |
Khorakhun, Chonlatee |
TS7.1 |
234 |
Using Online Social Media Platforms for Ubiquitous, Personal Health Monitoring |
King, Reco |
TS1.5 |
90 |
Post-diagnosis Management of Diabetes through a Mobile Health Consultation Application |
Kitano, Toshihiko |
TS5.3 |
Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds |
Klieb, Leslie |
TS14.3 |
Electronic Medical Records Adoption and Use - Understanding the Barriers and the Levels of Adoption for Physicians in the USA |
Kliem, Andreas |
TS7.3 |
240 |
Self-adaptive Middleware for ubiquitous Medical Device Integration |
Klinger, Augusto |
TS11.1 |
311 |
MIR: A Low Cost Digital Operating Room |
Klongtruagrok, Teekayu |
TS9.3 |
371 |
Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions |
Kosta, Eleni |
TS6.1 |
209 |
Ethical Assessment in E-Health |
L A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Lai, Feipei |
TS7.2 |
A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare |
Lai, Horng-Yih |
TS7.2 |
A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare |
Larburu, Nekane |
TS10.3 |
294 |
Quality of Data Computational Models and Telemedicine Treatment Effects |
Latif, Khalid |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 |
43 |
Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM |
Leal, Liliam |
TS8.1 |
259 |
Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems |
Lee, Bu Sung |
TS2.2 |
109 |
Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease |
Lee, Chonho |
TS2.2 |
109 |
Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease |
Lee, Edward |
TS7.5 |
253 |
MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care |
Leite, Fabio |
TS13.3 |
425 |
Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation |
Lemos, Marcus |
TS8.1 |
259 |
Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems |
Lemos, Nelson |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 |
18 |
c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants |
Li, Congcong |
TS8.2 |
265 |
A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System |
Li, Jianqiang |
TS9.4 |
377 |
Health Sensing by Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones: A Survey |
Lianas, Luca |
TS10.4 |
300 |
pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects |
Lilius, Johan |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Lim, Ai Keow |
TS3.4 |
139 |
A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix |
TS6.1 |
209 |
Ethical Assessment in E-Health |
Lima, Guilherme |
TS11.1 |
311 |
MIR: A Low Cost Digital Operating Room |
Lima Brasil, Fabricio |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.5 |
24 |
Limitations of principal component analysis as a method to detect neuronal assemblies |
D.4 |
463 |
Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology |
Liu, Xiaoshuang |
TS8.2 |
265 |
A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System |
TS15.1 |
390 |
Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System |
Liu, Yang |
TS5.2 |
188 |
A Novel Vectorcardiogram System |
Liu, Yaning |
TS9.1 |
359 |
Pervasive Detection of Sleep Apnea using Medical Wireless Sensor Networks |
Liu, Yi |
TS2.2 |
109 |
Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease |
Longoni, Guilherme |
TS11.1 |
311 |
MIR: A Low Cost Digital Operating Room |
Lu, Fletcher |
TS12.5 |
353 |
Reducing Adolescent Obesity with a Social Networking Mobile Fitness Application |
Luyten, Kris |
TS12.2 |
ReHoblet - A Home-Based Rehabilitation Game on the Tablet |
M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Macedo, Douglas |
TS14.2 |
448 |
Designing an information retrieval system for the STT/SC |
Machado, Helio Rubens |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
Macia Bertran, Isela |
TS15.5 |
203 |
Towards a Semantic Interoperability Environment |
Majors, Joachim |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Mäki, Toni |
SSH 2014: SSH.1 |
515 |
QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications |
Malcolm, James |
TS1.1 |
72 |
An Evaluation of Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks |
Manirabona, Audace |
TS1.4 |
84 |
Decode and Merge Cooperative MAC Protocol for intra WBAN Communication |
Marcos, Joao |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.2 |
37 |
Inconsistencies in Health Care Knowledge |
Marfia, Gustavo |
TS3.2 |
127 |
RESTful Services for an Innovative E-Health Infrastructure: A Real Case Study |
Martin, Patrick |
TS6.2 |
216 |
A mobile-based architecture for integrating personal health record data |
Martini, Maria |
SSH 2014: SSH.4 |
531 |
Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video |
Martins, Manuel |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.2 |
37 |
Inconsistencies in Health Care Knowledge |
Matsuda, Renan |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
Matsumoto, Shinsuke |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.1 |
31 |
How Should Remote Monitoring Sensor Be Accurate? |
Maw, Htoo |
TS1.1 |
72 |
An Evaluation of Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks |
McKeown, Martin |
TS2.2 |
109 |
Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease |
Mehaoua, Ahmed |
TS5.1 |
182 |
Detection of Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless 3-D Accelerometer Sensors |
TS9.1 |
359 |
Pervasive Detection of Sleep Apnea using Medical Wireless Sensor Networks |
Melo, Alessandro |
D.2 |
201 |
Specialized telecommunications system in the transmission of digital radiological images in hostile environments |
Melo, Leonardo |
D.2 |
201 |
Specialized telecommunications system in the transmission of digital radiological images in hostile environments |
Mendonça, Raphael |
TS13.3 |
425 |
Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation |
Merchant, Shabbir |
TS5.4 |
193 |
Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches |
Merilahti, Juho |
SSH 2014: SSH.1 |
515 |
QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications |
Meyer, Jochen |
TS12.1 |
334 |
Smart Health Systems for Personal Health Action Plans |
Michalas, Antonis |
TS4.1 |
151 |
Security Aspects of e-Health Systems Migration to the Cloud |
Minelli, Leonardo |
TS10.2 |
Knowledge Representation for Lung Cancer Patients' Prognosis |
Mishra, Sumita |
TS4.3 |
164 |
Insider Threats and Access Control in e-Health Systems |
Mival, Oli |
TS3.4 |
139 |
A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix |
TS6.1 |
209 |
Ethical Assessment in E-Health |
Mizouni, Rabeb |
TS1.3 |
78 |
Smart Data Synchronization in m-Health Monitoring Applications |
Mohammed, Abdul Mateen |
TS5.5 |
198 |
FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
Moioli, Renan |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.5 |
24 |
Limitations of principal component analysis as a method to detect neuronal assemblies |
D.4 |
463 |
Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology |
Morya, Edgard |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 |
18 |
c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants |
D.4 |
463 |
Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology |
Moutinho, José |
TS15.2 |
396 |
A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies |
Mukhtar, Hamid |
TS15.4 |
408 |
An Integrated Approach of Diet and Exercise Recommendations for Diabetes Patients |
N A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Naït-Abdesselam, Farid |
TS9.2 |
365 |
An ECG Monitoring System For Prediction Of Cardiac Anomalies Using WBAN |
Nakada, Kaoru |
TS5.3 |
Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds |
Nakajima, Isao |
TS5.3 |
Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds |
Nakamura, Hajime |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Nakamura, Masahide |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.1 |
31 |
How Should Remote Monitoring Sensor Be Accurate? |
Nakazawa, Jin |
TS11.5 |
327 |
Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging |
Nazario, Debora |
TS2.1 |
103 |
A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System |
Nazim, Agoulmine |
TS3.5 |
145 |
Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil |
TS8.1 |
259 |
Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems |
TS13.2 |
420 |
Context-aware Mobility Management with WiFi/3G Offloading for eHealth WBANs |
Neto, Augusto |
TS2.1 |
103 |
A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System |
TS16.3 |
471 |
Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System |
Nichols, Laurie |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 |
1 |
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 |
7 |
Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 |
12 |
Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke |
Nishiyama, Yuuki |
TS11.5 |
327 |
Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging |
Noritomi, Pedro |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
Noury, Norbert |
TS1.2 |
Indoor Localization with Wearable RF devices in 868MHz and 2.4GHz Bands |
Nunes de Carvalho, Carlos Giovanni |
TS8.1 |
259 |
Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems |
O A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Okoshi, Tadashi |
TS11.5 |
327 |
Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging |
Okuhata, Hiroyuki |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Oliveira, Antonio |
TS3.5 |
145 |
Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil |
TS16.4 |
476 |
Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems |
Oliveira, Daniel |
PD.4 |
69 |
Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition |
Oliveira Antonino, Pablo |
TS13.3 |
425 |
Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation |
Ongenae, Femke |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
P A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Page, Matthew |
TS9.3 |
371 |
Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions |
Paladi, Nicolae |
TS4.1 |
151 |
Security Aspects of e-Health Systems Migration to the Cloud |
Panzner, Todd |
SSH 2014: SSH.5 |
537 |
Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly |
Patel, Dhaval |
TS13.4 |
431 |
Mobile Health Application for Early Disease Outbreak-Period Detection |
Pereira, Carlos |
SSH 2014: SSH.10 |
565 |
Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution |
Perkusich, Angelo |
SSH 2014: SSH.9 |
560 |
Standard-based and Distributed Health Information Sharing for mHealth IoT Systems |
Perumalla, Calvin |
TS5.2 |
188 |
A Novel Vectorcardiogram System |
Pervez, Usman |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 |
43 |
Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM |
Pickavet, Mario |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
Pietra, Enio |
TS6.3 |
222 |
Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database |
Pilapitiya, Senaka |
504 |
Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems |
Pirinen, Hanna |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Pombo, Nuno |
SSH 2014: SSH.2 |
520 |
Big Data Reduction Using RBFNN: A Predictive Model for ECG Waveform for eHealth platform integration |
Poujaud, Julien |
TS1.2 |
Indoor Localization with Wearable RF devices in 868MHz and 2.4GHz Bands |
Puli, Suresh |
TS5.4 |
193 |
Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches |
Q A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Qureshi, Umair Mujtaba |
TS13.5 |
437 |
Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs |
R A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Raj, Rajendra |
TS4.3 |
164 |
Insider Threats and Access Control in e-Health Systems |
Rajalakshmi, Pachamuthu |
TS5.4 |
193 |
Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches |
TS5.5 |
198 |
FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
Ramos, Ronaldo |
TS16.4 |
476 |
Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems |
Rani, Preetika |
TS13.4 |
431 |
Mobile Health Application for Early Disease Outbreak-Period Detection |
Rausch, Herbert |
TS6.3 |
222 |
Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database |
Rauscher, Richard |
TS4.5 |
176 |
A Network Security Architecture to Reduce the Risk of Data Leakage for Health Care Organizations |
Rautanen, Kimmo |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Raychoudhury, Vaskar |
TS13.4 |
431 |
Mobile Health Application for Early Disease Outbreak-Period Detection |
Reategui, Eliseo |
TS16.1 |
460 |
TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development |
Rebhi, Yacine |
TS5.1 |
182 |
Detection of Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless 3-D Accelerometer Sensors |
Reddy, Lakshmi |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 |
1 |
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data |
Ribeiro, Anderson |
TS8.1 |
259 |
Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems |
Robert, Karel |
TS12.2 |
ReHoblet - A Home-Based Rehabilitation Game on the Tablet |
Robles-Bykbaev, Vladimir |
SSH 2014: SSH.5 |
537 |
Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly |
Roccetti, Marco |
TS3.2 |
127 |
RESTful Services for an Innovative E-Health Infrastructure: A Real Case Study |
Rockall, Timothy |
SSH 2014: SSH.4 |
531 |
Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video |
Rodrigues, Daniel |
TS2.3 |
115 |
A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments |
Rodrigues, Joel |
TS2.3 |
115 |
A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments |
TS15.2 |
396 |
A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies |
Rodriguez Rodriguez, Eva |
SSH 2014: SSH.1 |
515 |
QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications |
Roesler, Valter |
TS11.1 |
311 |
MIR: A Low Cost Digital Operating Room |
Rondinoni, Carlo |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
Rosa, Pedro |
TS16.3 |
471 |
Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System |
Ruiz de Azua, Sonia |
TS6.1 |
209 |
Ethical Assessment in E-Health |
Runge, Arnaud |
SSH 2014: SSH.1 |
515 |
QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications |
S A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Sahama, Tony |
TS10.5 |
305 |
Contextualising co-creation of value in electronic personal health records |
TS14.1 |
443 |
Adoption of Accountable-eHealth Systems by Future Healthcare Professionals |
TS16.2 |
466 |
eHealth-as-a-Service (eHaaS): The industrialisation of health informatics, a practical approach |
504 |
Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems |
Saiki, Sachio |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.1 |
31 |
How Should Remote Monitoring Sensor Be Accurate? |
Salakoski, Tapio |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Salanterä, Sanna |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
Saleem, Kashif |
498 |
Low Delay and Secure M2M Communication Mechanism for eHealthcare |
Salem, Osman |
TS5.1 |
182 |
Detection of Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless 3-D Accelerometer Sensors |
TS9.1 |
359 |
Pervasive Detection of Sleep Apnea using Medical Wireless Sensor Networks |
TS9.2 |
365 |
An ECG Monitoring System For Prediction Of Cardiac Anomalies Using WBAN |
Salles, Sara |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 |
1 |
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data |
Salles Cunha Peres, André |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
Salmon, Elizabeth |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 |
1 |
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data |
Salyers, Emily |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 |
7 |
Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 |
12 |
Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke |
Santos, Antonio Carlos |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
Santos, Danilo |
SSH 2014: SSH.9 |
560 |
Standard-based and Distributed Health Information Sharing for mHealth IoT Systems |
Santos, Jose Ronaldo |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.4 |
18 |
c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants |
Santos, Lilian |
TS6.3 |
222 |
Medical Data Mining: a case study of a Paracoccidioidomycosis Patient's Database |
Santos, Marcos |
TS3.5 |
145 |
Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil |
Sardeto Deolindo, Camila |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.5 |
24 |
Limitations of principal component analysis as a method to detect neuronal assemblies |
Sawaki, Lumy |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.1 |
1 |
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.2 |
7 |
Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data |
IEEE HEALTHCOM 2014 - Workshop in E-health in Neuroscience: IWEN14.3 |
12 |
Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke |
Schaechtle, Ulrich |
TS15.3 |
402 |
HYDRA: a HYbrid Diagnosis and monitoRing Architecture for diabetes |
Schapranow, Matthieu-P. |
TS12.3 |
341 |
In-Memory Technology Enables Interactive Drug Response Analysis |
Schauer, Patryk |
SSH 2014: SSH.7 |
548 |
Enabling automatic composition of streams computing services through ontology-based standardization |
Schmitz, Carlos |
TS16.1 |
460 |
TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development |
Seixas, Jose Luis |
TS11.2 |
317 |
Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images |
Sendra, Sandra |
TS15.2 |
396 |
A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies |
Serhani, Mohamed Adel |
TS1.3 |
78 |
Smart Data Synchronization in m-Health Monitoring Applications |
Shaikh, Faisal Karim |
TS13.5 |
437 |
Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs |
Shimazaki, Takunori |
D.1 |
193 |
Demonstration on a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Men during Exercise |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Shyu, Chi-Ren |
TS9.3 |
371 |
Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions |
Silva, Bruno |
TS2.3 |
115 |
A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments |
Silva, Edson |
TS8.4 |
277 |
Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization |
Silva, Felipe |
TS16.3 |
471 |
Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System |
Silva, Flavio |
TS16.3 |
471 |
Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System |
Silva, Jorge Vicente |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
Silva, Lucas |
TS3.3 |
133 |
A New Architecture for Secure Storage and Sharing of Health Records in the Cloud Using Federated Identity Attributes |
Silva, Renato |
D.3 |
239 |
MobiCAP: A Mobile Application Prototype for Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia |
TS8.5 |
283 |
A Mobile Application System for Diagnosis and Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia |
Simplicio, Hougelle |
D.4 |
463 |
Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology |
Singh Sandha, Sandeep |
TS13.4 |
431 |
Mobile Health Application for Early Disease Outbreak-Period Detection |
Siqueira, Claudia |
TS11.2 |
317 |
Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images |
Siribaddana, Sisira |
504 |
Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems |
Smith, Nicholas |
TS9.3 |
371 |
Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions |
Smith, Ralph |
SSH 2014: SSH.4 |
531 |
Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video |
Song, Lei |
TS9.4 |
377 |
Health Sensing by Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones: A Survey |
Sousa, Paula |
PD.4 |
69 |
Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition |
Souza, Victor |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
St. Sauver, Jennifer |
TS14.4 |
454 |
Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data |
Stathis, Kostas |
TS15.3 |
402 |
HYDRA: a HYbrid Diagnosis and monitoRing Architecture for diabetes |
Stelmach, Pawel |
SSH 2014: SSH.7 |
548 |
Enabling automatic composition of streams computing services through ontology-based standardization |
Stevenson, James |
TS2.2 |
109 |
Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease |
Stranieri, Andrew |
504 |
Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems |
Striegel, Aaron |
TS3.1 |
121 |
A Management System for Motion-Based Gaming Peripherals for Physical Therapy Instrumentation |
Swiatek, Pawel |
SSH 2014: SSH.7 |
548 |
Enabling automatic composition of streams computing services through ontology-based standardization |
T A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Ta, Masuhisa |
TS5.3 |
Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds |
Tahar, Sofiene |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.3 |
43 |
Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM |
Takashio, Kazu |
TS11.5 |
327 |
Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging |
Techentin, Robert |
TS14.4 |
454 |
Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data |
Teles, Germanno |
TS3.5 |
145 |
Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil |
TS16.4 |
476 |
Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems |
Tezuka, Kouhei |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Thuemmler, Christoph |
TS3.4 |
139 |
A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix |
TS6.1 |
209 |
Ethical Assessment in E-Health |
Todesco, Jose |
TS2.1 |
103 |
A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System |
Tokuda, Hideyuki |
TS11.5 |
327 |
Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging |
Tokunaga, Seiki |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.1 |
31 |
How Should Remote Monitoring Sensor Be Accurate? |
Toulouse, Claude-Vivien |
TS2.4 |
Contribution of the cyclic correlation in gait analysis: variation between fallers and non-fallers |
Touvat, Fabien |
TS1.2 |
Indoor Localization with Wearable RF devices in 868MHz and 2.4GHz Bands |
Traeder, Nicolas |
TS7.3 |
240 |
Self-adaptive Middleware for ubiquitous Medical Device Integration |
Tromel, Igor |
TS2.1 |
103 |
A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System |
Tsou, Ching-Huei |
TS6.4 |
228 |
Problem-Oriented Patient Record Summary: An Early Report on a Watson Application |
Tsujioka, Tetsuo |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Tuominen, Ilona |
TS12.4 |
347 |
Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response |
V A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Vale, Eduardo |
D.2 |
201 |
Specialized telecommunications system in the transmission of digital radiological images in hostile environments |
Valencia-Redrovan, David |
SSH 2014: SSH.5 |
537 |
Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly |
Valéria, Olga |
TS8.1 |
259 |
Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems |
Van Ooteghem, Jan |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
Van Poucke, Laurens |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
Vandermaesen, Marijke |
TS12.2 |
ReHoblet - A Home-Based Rehabilitation Game on the Tablet |
Vannieuwenborg, Frederic |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
Varela, Martin |
SSH 2014: SSH.1 |
515 |
QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications |
Vaughan, Stephen |
504 |
Informatics to support patient choice between diverse medical systems |
Verbrugge, Sofie |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
Verstichel, Stijn |
SSH 2014: SSH.6 |
542 |
Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations |
Villa, Luis |
ReHIS 2014: ReHis14.4 |
49 |
A Review on Usability Features for Designing Electronic Health Records |
Vitali, Fabio |
TS3.2 |
127 |
RESTful Services for an Innovative E-Health Infrastructure: A Real Case Study |
Vivek, Akkala |
TS5.5 |
198 |
FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System |
Volpon Santos, Marcelo |
PD.3 |
66 |
Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation |
von Wangenheim, Aldo |
TS14.2 |
448 |
Designing an information retrieval system for the STT/SC |
W A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Wang, Yongcai |
TS9.4 |
377 |
Health Sensing by Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones: A Survey |
Wang, Yu-jie |
TS7.2 |
A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare |
Wangham, Michelle |
TS4.2 |
158 |
Identity Management in E-Health: A Case Study of Web of Things application using OpenID Connect |
Watanabe, Kenji |
TS9.5 |
384 |
Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game |
Welfer, Daniel |
D.3 |
239 |
MobiCAP: A Mobile Application Prototype for Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia |
TS8.5 |
283 |
A Mobile Application System for Diagnosis and Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia |
Widya, Ing |
TS10.3 |
294 |
Quality of Data Computational Models and Telemedicine Treatment Effects |
Winck, Ana |
TS10.2 |
Knowledge Representation for Lung Cancer Patients' Prognosis |
Wittek, Peter |
TS11.4 |
323 |
Real-time Quantifying Heart Beat Rate from Facial Video Recording on a Smart Phone using Kalman Filters |
Wu, Jianwei |
TS15.1 |
390 |
Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System |
X A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Xiao, Hannan |
TS1.1 |
72 |
An Evaluation of Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks |
Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Yang, Ji-Jiang |
TS9.4 |
377 |
Health Sensing by Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones: A Survey |
Yigzaw, Kassaye |
TS4.4 |
170 |
Privacy preserving health data processing |
Yonezawa, Takuro |
TS11.5 |
327 |
Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging |
Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y Z |
Zanetti, Gianluigi |
TS10.4 |
300 |
pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects |
Zaouk, Doumit |
TS13.1 |
414 |
A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems |
Zhang, Dongyang |
TS6.4 |
228 |
Problem-Oriented Patient Record Summary: An Early Report on a Watson Application |
Zhang, Ningbo |
TS8.2 |
265 |
A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System |
TS15.1 |
390 |
Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System |
Zhao, Li |
TS11.4 |
323 |
Real-time Quantifying Heart Beat Rate from Facial Video Recording on a Smart Phone using Kalman Filters |