Wednesday, October 15
09:00 - 16:00
IWEN14: International Workshop on e-health in Neurosciences![go to top](icon/table.png)
The workshop in “e-health in Neurosciences” aims at bringing together prominent researchers in this field creating a place to exchange the latest research achievements and experiences. The ongoing inclusion of new technologies such as virtual reality, wearable sensors and actuators, brain-computer interfaces, biosensors, etc., have to be accompanied by a high level debate by the scientific community and society.
- Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Enhance Motor Function in Spinal Cord Injury: Pilot Data
- Dose-Response Effects of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Motor Training in Stroke: Preliminary Data
- Effects of Electrode Configurations in Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation after Stroke
- c-Fos immunoreactivity and variation of neuronal units in rat's motor cortex after chronic implants
- Limitations of principal component analysis as a method to detect neuronal assemblies
ReHis14: The 1st International Workshop on Reliability of eHealth Information Systems![go to top](icon/table.png)
The progressive evolution of eHealth Information System requirements
- ReHis14.1 How Should Remote Monitoring Sensor Be Accurate?
- ReHis14.2 Inconsistencies in Health Care Knowledge
- ReHis14.3 Formal Reliability Analysis of a Typical FHIR Standard based E-Health System using PRISM
- ReHis14.4 A Review on Usability Features for Designing Electronic Health Records
- ReHis14.5 Formalizing Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signal Behavior in Event-B
SSH: IEEE International Workshop on Service Science for eHealth![go to top](icon/table.png)
Technological developments in computing and networking have largely made the delivery of health services, including medical diagnosis and patient care, possible from a distance. Many funded projects have evaluated and are evaluating the use of communications technology in the implementation and performance of telemedicine activities, and examined the impact of telemedicine on medical care in terms of cost, quality, and access. Telemedicine has become a growing new interdisciplinary field, which will eventually contribute to improving the quality of health care for everyone. However, successful implementation of this vision depends not only on innovative telemedicine applications but also on networking and computing technical readiness. Furthermore, many ethical, social, and political problems arising in telemedicine need technical solutions.
- QuoTe - An Extensible Platform for QoE Monitoring and Benchmarking of Telemedicine Applications
- Big Data Reduction Using RBFNN: A Predictive Model for ECG Waveform for eHealth platform integration
- Cloud Based Real-Time Patient Support System with NADRA SNIC Integration
- Quality evaluation of compressed 3D surgical video
- Fuzzy Controller for Automatic Microphone Gain Control in an Autonomous Support System for Elderly
- Techno-economic evaluation of an ontology-based nurse call system via discrete event simulations
- Enabling automatic composition of streams computing services through ontology-based standardization
- Standard-based and Distributed Health Information Sharing for mHealth IoT Systems
- Integrating Data and Network Standards into an Interoperable E-Health Solution
16:30 - 19:30
SPAIMeH: 1st International Workshop on Secure and Privacy-Aware Information Management in eHealth![go to top](icon/table.png)
Information security and privacy in the healthcare domain is a complex and challenging problem for computer scientists, social scientists, law experts and policy makers. Appropriate healthcare provision requires specialized knowledge, is information intensive and much patient information is of a particularly sensitive nature. Electronic health record systems provide opportunities for information sharing which may enhance healthcare services, for both individuals and populations. However, appropriate information management measures are essential for privacy preservation.
Traditional access control measures for privacy preservation may not match the eHealth record system scenario, where the roles of all stakeholders are less defined. Questions regarding data ownership and information management obligations for major stakeholders (healthcare professionals, patients, administrators) arise. Healthcare professionals require ready access to as much information as possible to support informed decision making. However, patients may want to exercise control over the entities gaining access to their personal health information, with particular concerns for information privacy. Balancing these competing concerns is a major challenge in the implementation of successful e-Health systems. This is not just a technological challenge, but a multidisciplinary problem with technological, social, legal and health policy aspects.
This workshop will focus on this major challenge in terms of these four main areas. We seek papers addressing the technological, socio-technical, legal and policy aspects related to information security and privacy issues in e-Health systems.
Thursday, October 16
14:30 - 19:00
D: Demo Session![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Demonstration on a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Men during Exercise
- Specialized telecommunications system in the transmission of digital radiological images in hostile environments
- MobiCAP: A Mobile Application Prototype for Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
- Real time neural signal processing and visuomotor integration: new perspectives for assistive technology
14:30 - 16:30
TS1: Body Area Networks (I)![go to top](icon/table.png)
- An Evaluation of Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks
- Indoor Localization with Wearable RF devices in 868MHz and 2.4GHz Bands
- Smart Data Synchronization in m-Health Monitoring Applications
- Decode and Merge Cooperative MAC Protocol for intra WBAN Communication
- Post-diagnosis Management of Diabetes through a Mobile Health Consultation Application
TS2: eHealth for Aging![go to top](icon/table.png)
- A Quality of Context Evaluating Approach in an Ambient Assisted Living eHealth System
- Analysis of Visually Guided Tracking Performance in Parkinson's Disease
- A Mobile Healthcare Solution for Ambient Assisted Living Environments
- Contribution of the cyclic correlation in gait analysis: variation between fallers and non-fallers
TS3: Electronic Health Records (I)![go to top](icon/table.png)
- A Management System for Motion-Based Gaming Peripherals for Physical Therapy Instrumentation
- RESTful Services for an Innovative E-Health Infrastructure: A Real Case Study
- A New Architecture for Secure Storage and Sharing of Health Records in the Cloud Using Federated Identity Attributes
- A Social-Technological Alignment Matrix
- Towards A Cost-Effective Homecare for A Public Health Management System In Brazil
TS4: Security and Privacy![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Security Aspects of e-Health Systems Migration to the Cloud
- Identity Management in E-Health: A Case Study of Web of Things application using OpenID Connect
- Insider Threats and Access Control in e-Health Systems
- Privacy preserving health data processing
- A Network Security Architecture to Reduce the Risk of Data Leakage for Health Care Organizations
17:00 - 19:00
TS5: BioSensing (I)![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Detection of Nocturnal Epileptic Seizures Using Wireless 3-D Accelerometer Sensors
- A Novel Vectorcardiogram System
- Development of Subcutaneous Implantation Coil for Birds
- Low Complex, Programmable FPGA based 8-Channel Ultrasound Transmitter for Medical Imaging Researches
- FPGA based Preliminary CAD for Kidney on IoT Enabled Portable Ultrasound Imaging System
TS6: Electronic Health Records (II)![go to top](icon/table.png)
TS7: Telemedicine![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Using Online Social Media Platforms for Ubiquitous, Personal Health Monitoring
- A Clinical Decision and Support System with Automatically ECG Classification in Telehealthcare
- Self-adaptive Middleware for ubiquitous Medical Device Integration
- Reliable Low-Cost Telecardiology: High-Sensitivity Detection of Ventricular Beats using Dictionaries
- MyHeart: An Intelligent mHealth Home Monitoring System Supporting Heart Failure Self-Care
TS8: eHealth Information and Network Infrastructure![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Using QoC for Improving Energy-Efficient Context Management in U-Health Systems
- A Three-Dimensional Network Coverage Optimization Algorithm in Healthcare System
- A Framework for Customizing the Mobile and Remote Monitoring of Patients with Chronic Diseases
- Modeling Language and CASE Tool for Communication Board Customization
- A Mobile Application System for Diagnosis and Management of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
Friday, October 17
14:00 - 20:00
PD: Joint Poster, WiP and Demo Session![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Long Range RFID Position Estimation for Applications in the Health Care System
- Inter-institutional protocol describing the use of three-dimensional printing for surgical planning in a patient with childhood epilepsy: From 3D modeling to neuronavigation
- Metabolic.Care A hardware and software platform to monitor and assess diabetic foot condition
14:00 - 16:00
TS10: Electronic Health Records (III)![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Method for the Mapping between Health Terminologies aiming Systems Interoperability
- Knowledge Representation for Lung Cancer Patients' Prognosis
- Quality of Data Computational Models and Telemedicine Treatment Effects
- pyEHR: a scalable clinical data management toolkit for biomedical research projects
- Contextualising co-creation of value in electronic personal health records
TS11: Image and Video Processing on eHealth![go to top](icon/table.png)
- MIR: A Low Cost Digital Operating Room
- Color Energy as a Seed Descriptor for Image Segmentation with Region Growing Algorithms on Skin Wound Images
- Simulation Inverse Problems of Reconstruction of Image Data Using Patterned Electrical Impedance Tomography Female Breast
- Real-time Quantifying Heart Beat Rate from Facial Video Recording on a Smart Phone using Kalman Filters
- Towards Health Exercise Behavior Change for Teams Using Life-logging
TS12: ICT-enabled Personal Health Systems![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Smart Health Systems for Personal Health Action Plans
- ReHoblet - A Home-Based Rehabilitation Game on the Tablet
- In-Memory Technology Enables Interactive Drug Response Analysis
- Can IT health-care applications improve the medication tray-filling process at hospital wards? An exploratory study using eye-tracking and stress response
- Reducing Adolescent Obesity with a Social Networking Mobile Fitness Application
TS9: BioSensing (II)![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Pervasive Detection of Sleep Apnea using Medical Wireless Sensor Networks
- An ECG Monitoring System For Prediction Of Cardiac Anomalies Using WBAN
- Non-Invasive Ambulatory Monitoring of Complex sEMG Patterns and its Potential Application in the Detection of Vocal Dysfunctions
- Health Sensing by Wearable Sensors and Mobile Phones: A Survey
- Elements of a Real-Time Vital Signs Monitoring System for Players during a Football Game
18:00 - 20:00
TS13: Body Area Networks (II)![go to top](icon/table.png)
- A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems
- Context-aware Mobility Management with WiFi/3G Offloading for eHealth WBANs
- Are the Current Architectural Practices Suitable for Safety Aspects of Medical Devices? An Exploratory Investigation
- Mobile Health Application for Early Disease Outbreak-Period Detection
- Experimental Analysis for Optimal Separation Between Sensor and Base Station in WBANs
TS14: Electronic Health Records (IV)![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Adoption of Accountable-eHealth Systems by Future Healthcare Professionals
- Designing an information retrieval system for the STT/SC
- Electronic Medical Records Adoption and Use - Understanding the Barriers and the Levels of Adoption for Physicians in the USA
- Lessons Learned from the Semantic Translation of Healthcare Data
TS15: Health Monitoring![go to top](icon/table.png)
- Research on CVDs Prediction and Early Warning Techniques in Healthcare Monitoring System
- A Sudden Infant Death Prevention System for Babies
- HYDRA: a HYbrid Diagnosis and monitoRing Architecture for diabetes
- An Integrated Approach of Diet and Exercise Recommendations for Diabetes Patients
- Towards a Semantic Interoperability Environment
TS16: eHealth for Public Health![go to top](icon/table.png)
- TelehealthRS Project: Supporting Teleconsulting with Text Mining for a better Continuing Professional Development
- eHealth-as-a-Service (eHaaS): The industrialisation of health informatics, a practical approach
- Software Defined eHealth Networking Towards a Truly Mobile and Reliable System
- Using Bayesian Networks to improve the Decision-Making Process in Public Health Systems
- An Architecture Supported by Georeferenced Services and Ubiquitous Computing for Controlling of Mosquito Aedes aegypti Focus - Case Inhumas, Goiás, Brazil